Role of APIs in the healthcare sector

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The continuous evolution of innovative technologies is helping enterprises achieve targets that were unthinkable in the past. Various sectors are achieving their targets and increasing their efficiency by automating processes. One such automation enabler is an Application Programming Interface (API), and while many sectors are benefiting from it, the healthcare industry is yet to catch up.

The health care sector entails complex coordination between healthcare providers, patients, insurance carriers, and third-party vendors, and for this reason, there is an urgent need of adopting interoperability tech.

Need for APIs in the healthcare industry

Before the concept of health record systems, healthcare professionals were relying on manual paperwork, fax machines, and phone calls to bring about interoperability.

But it is now a digital world, and enterprises have started leveraging multiple Electronic Health Records (EHRs) within a single platform. Due to this, the chances of patient data getting disorganized increases, and spreading the data across various devices makes it fragmented and pointless.

This is where API comes into the picture, to help the healthcare industry in achieving robust interoperability standards. Healthcare sectors all across the globe are utilizing APIs to streamline processes, improve patient care, and ensure effective data communication.

Why are APIs Important for the Healthcare Industry?
  • For Healthcare Providers

APIs in the healthcare sector help healthcare providers in providing patients with better care. They maximize the utility of EHRs by leveraging third-party programs/applications. They help in retrieving patients’ data and generating online bills. Additionally, by leveraging API tools to sync calendars across multiple platforms, patients can see and book appointments in real-time. This helps in saving both the healthcare provider’s and patients’ time.

  • For Patients

Patients also stand to benefit tremendously from APIs in the healthcare sector. For patients who are sick, managing medical records and appointments becomes a hassle. APIs take care of all the processes that are involved in consulting a healthcare provider including health data as well as the event when patients want to switch doctors. By saving complete patient data, they help in avoiding the turmoil of sorting through tons of medical files.

  • For Researchers

APIs are also revolutionizing clinical research. Before APIs, concluding any health study was difficult as sufficient data was not available due to privacy restrictions. Since APIs deal with protected health information and adhere to HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules, accessing records of patients has now become plain sailing and hassle-free. Patients can become a part of the research while being anonymous.

  • For Developers

Developers are leveraging API integrated tools for expediting the process of app development. It helps in speeding up the app launch while reducing costs. Developers can also use the functionalities they need and customize the features according to their requirements.

Successful APIs integrations are enabling the healthcare industry to work more intelligently with healthcare providers, insurance companies, patient support services, and government agencies.

How can Neebal help?

Neebal’s API Integration services are helping a leading AgroChemical MNC interconnect systems and applications to enhance efficiency and improve the user experience for data-driven apps. Contact us to get your API journey started today.

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